
Friday, September 24, 2010

Knitting: no longer a mystery

Yes, finally I have been able to overcome my fear of the two big needles and have jumped into knitting. A great friend got me started on it on Sunday. She even provided me with the needles and yarn to start with. (Yep I'm counting her as one of my many blessings right now)

So because I was so excited about this new "crafty" adventure, I didn't stop knitting until I finished the yarn she gave me which only took till the next day. And here's what I came up with...

I had to add Ms. Princess, Maddie's Build-a-bear in the photo shoot so you can have a view of how big/small my new creation is.

Since this is my first every knitting venture, it's really simple. I just did the regular knitting stitch. I'll try the purling and all those other fancy stitches when I've mastered this.

Things I love about knitting..
1. It's seems to be a faster process than crocheting. I think it's because of the size of my needle and yarn.
2. It's easy once you get a good footing/foundation on what you are doing. I even know how to cast on now. Woohoo!
3. There's so many things you can make with it. I'm already starting a new project which is a scarf for Maddie. Then next on the list will be a scarf for Marcus and then "hopefully" a decent sweater or vest for me. I got this nice charcoal gray yarn the other day and I'm really excited to turn that into a vest or a sweater.

So that's it. Trying out new things really do get your creative juices flowing.

Till next time,

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