
Saturday, July 17, 2010

I need your help

Yesterday before taking the kids to the wading pool, I went to one of my all time favorite places- Fabric Barn. They are the mecca of ribbons around here. Before, you can purchase ribbons and trims per yard but now they've changed and only sell them by spools. It's more expensive now of course since we're buying the whole thing but $1-$3 per spool (25 yards in each spool) is still reasonable. That's why I went a little crazy and purchase these 10 types...

Now here's where I need your help. Do you want to split the cost of these ribbons with me? I want to hoard them all to myself believe me but my practical side is telling me not to. *smile*

Here's how I'm going to do it. I've numbered the spools on the first photo. Below I'm showing how much it'll cost per yard per ribbon. You tell me what # ribbon and how many yards of it you want. Email me ( your "order" and also give me the email address to which I can charge your paypal account with and I'll mail it to you. Oh and shipping charges will have to apply to. :)

Here's the rundown:
Ribbon #1 - .04 per yard
2 - .04 per yard
3 - .04 per yard
4 - .12 per yard
5 - .08 per yard
6 - .08 per yard
7 - .07 per yard
8 - .12 per yard
9 - .09 per yard
10 - .12 per yard

Shipping cost:
West coast- $2.00
East coast- 2.50
International- 4.00

I will place your ribbons in a padded envelope.

As you can see I'm just charging you what per yard is based on how much I bought it for. I'm not trying to make a profit here.

Thanks in advance for helping me resist the urge to be a ribbon hoarder. Oh and sorry there's not much colors to choose from, I picked the ones that I've run out of.

Till next time,

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