
Friday, February 5, 2010

catching up....

I'm happy this week is finally over. Lots of stuff going on around the Tolman home. We've been supporting Marcus in his new experience with "taekwondo" taking him to his classes, then we went on a short trip to Vegas and to top that all off, the kids are battling some major coughs. Gotta love life!

Anyways here's a few things worth recapping...

Last friday we went to Marcus' school to watch all the first graders perform a cute play. They've been studying habitats in science and the teachers have decided to put together short plays that talks a little about those habitats.

There's three classes and each one performed the same piece but set in different habitats. There's the forest, the sea and Marcus' class got to do the Savannah. He was one of the elephants!

He looked very cute and I was so proud of him doing his thing up on the stage. No stagefreight at all!

He's the best elephant I've ever seen in a long time. :)

Then on Tuesday we took a drive to Vegas. Mitch wanted to attend the World of Concrete show happening at the convention center. He asked if we wanted to tag along. I checked the prices of the hotels and when I booked (which was about three weeks ago) I scored a room at Circus Circus for $27. I thought that was a steal so we went ahead and planned for it.

We were only there for two days but it was enough for the kids to see everything that they wanted to see.
I had them most of the time since Mitch was at the show so I wasn't able to take much pictures. I figured it's wiser for me to keep an eye on the kids than to take pics. Wise mom! *wink*

We saw the Lion's den at MGM.

and then the pirate's ship at Treasure Island.

Marcus got a good pic of me and Maddie while at Treasure Island.

then we got to see a free circus show inside Circus Circus. Maddie was very impressed by this lady with the ribbon. She thought she was just fantastic! Maddie even told me that she wanted to be just like the lady. Oh the dreams of a four year old!

The view from the room wasn't all that great but the kids enjoyed our little getaway. Marcus even thought that hotel rooms was better than camping. Yehey! Now that's my kind of guy!

So that's all for now. I'll try to post some projects tomorrow.

Gotta get back to work.

Till next time,

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