
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hello November.....

****I typed this up on Sunday but was interrupted with other stuff before I was able to post it so pretend it's Sunday when your read it ok. :) *********************************

Gosh can you believe we only have two more months before another year is over! Time flies so quickly.

So today was a great day. Not only did I get to have an extra hour of sleep but more importantly because I can finally sink in into my new calling at church. I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints. (don't know if you knew that or not) Anyways, at our church, everybody volunteers for the job, nobody gets paid. Leaders are inspired by the Lord to call specific people for specific jobs. Whether it be in leadership roles or to be a teacher or to plan social activities, each one is given a "calling" and they are to do their best and have faith in the Lord to "magnify" or perform these jobs.

Well for the past four and a half years, I've been serving in the Primary organization of our ward (congregation). My job was to be a counselor/helper for our Primary president. We oversee the children's program (sunday school, scouts, activities and anything related to the children). Anyways, today they changed my role. They called me to be the Primary president and the congregation "sustained" (approved) it. As anybody called to a higher position, there's some anxiety connected to the new role and I felt that and maybe more but as I was sustained and set apart (blessed) by my priesthood leaders, I felt calm and ready to move forward.

In my patriarchal blessing, I was told that I would be teaching children. I love children and am very grateful to be a part of their first years of learning the gospel. I don't know yet how I will do half the things I am now responsible for but I do have the faith that it will all go through as the Lord has planned it.

What's for sure is that I'm definitely going to be bringing my love for papercrafts to this new calling. Whether it be having the kids make little scrapbooks (that would be totally fun), making thank you cards to our many wonderful teachers or making fun visuals for the kids to learn better. Fun paper will definitely be put in the mix!

Speaking of papers, I got some projects soon to be posted. Here's some sneek peeks...

Tomorrow I'm posting my first blog post for Upsy Daisy. Here's a little peek at the project I made. Be sure to stop by there to see more pics and I even added a little "how to".

I just emailed this project to GCD Studios and it's something that I will be revealing soon here in the blog. But for now let me share an itty bitty look at it.

more to come.

Till next time,

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