
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Watch out world, here we come.......

first grade, first grade!!!

Those were the last lines of a poem the Kindergartners from Burbank Elementary School recited last Tuesday (June 16th) during their promotion ceremony.

We practiced the poem at home for the past two weeks and I have to tell you, every time Marcus said these lines, I felt a bittersweet feeling come over me. Bitter cause my baby's no longer a baby but sweet cause we've finally overcame the hurdle of Kindergarten. I was so worried in the beginning of the year that he wasn't ready for school. I had thoughts of holding him back because I've heard from some moms that have boys "that boys mature slower than girls and it's for their best interest to hold them back". Obviously I didn't listen to this advice and I'm so glad I didn't. Not only did Marcus improved in leaps and bounds with his maturity but also academically. I'm so surprised at all the information that he would randomly blur out and then when I ask him how he knew that, he's reply would always be- "I learned it at school". Isn't that the greatest?! There is still hope in our educational system. (my opinion, no hating ok!)

Anyways, Mitch and I and also Maddie went to support Marcus in his promotion. I borrowed my parents camcorder so we can video tape this major milestone in our kids' life. Mitch was in charge of the video taping and I took the still shots with my brother's camera. I borrowed his cause he had the bigger zoom lens. It was perfect and I was able to get in tight and focus on my son, especially during the little singing program that they did like this one....

it still shows some kids but I was waaaayyyy on the other side of the auditorium when I took this shot. I would not have been able to get this close with my 55mm lens. Thanks bro.!

Here's a pic of Marcus getting his certificate of completion from the Principal (Mr. Cizmar) and looking on is his teacher (Mrs. Johnston). Sorry for the blurry photo, Marcus was on the move!

We were suprised when they were handing out the academic awards. We didn't know that our dear Marcus was in the Principal's honor roll. How cool is that! We're very proud of him. My little honor roll, oh I gotta stop or I'm going to cry. *HUHUHU*

and here's Marcus with Mrs. Johnston. She was a great teacher! I cannot have asked for a more kind, compassionate and patient teacher than her. She really helped my son blossom to the boy he is. She quickly found his strengths (math, story time) and encouraged him to continue to better at it and with his weaknesses (keeping his hands to himself, little attention span) , she worked with him and I to improve in those areas.

We are very excited with summer but we vow to continue learning through out the season so he'll be, like he said in his poem, READY FOR FIRST GRADE!

Till next time,

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