
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday in Pictures + rak

Heeelllllooooo everyone!!!

first off thanks to all the kind words that you guys gave me with my new job. I'm so excited to be in the GCD Studios team. There are a lot of "altered items" swirling in my head now. I can't wait to play with their fabulous products.

And to think Monday could've been any better, I got this package that day....

It's my GCD package. Wowzer!!!

Now I only see this kinda package from other people's blogs, I never dreamed that I can put one of my own pics of this in my space.

Oh and look how sweet GCD is, they even sent some candies to go with their "sweet" package. Thanks GCD.

Spring is my favorite time of the year. I love the sunshine, the nice weather, the planting season and the fun paster colors. To make me feel the mood of the whole season, I busted out this quilt to put on my bed. My mom labored on this quilt for years and she gave it to us for a Christmas gift. Oh how I love this family treasure.

And finally my little static girl. This is what Maddie's hair look like when she jumps on the trampoline. I'm so amazed at how much they stand up. Marcus refers to this look as "rockstar".

oh and since I'm in a happy mood why not do a rak! Just leave a comment here on what's your favorite item to alter and I'll send two people something from that great GCD package that I got.

****RAK Closed******

So there you have it. Happy midweek.

Till next time,


  1. nice box of goodies! :)
    I can't believe your Mom made that quilt. I love the design she used!


  3. Maddie is too darn cute Grace!! She has beautiful hair.. even with static! LOL

    Congrats again!

  4. Ahhh, that quilt is soooo GORGEOUS, Grace! What a treasure!

    I think my favorite things to alter are birdhouses or even the chipboard houses.

    I'm totally envious of the package you received from GCD Studios! Holy Moly!

  5. My favorite thing to alter is whatever you're teaching about! Congratulations, Grace!!!

  6. hmm.. not sure what I can alter, I'll try anything if I can.
    Congratulation again!
    BTY, Maddy is so cute.. love those curls.

  7. Congrats again! That is a great box of goodies you got...can't wait to see all your creations!

    As for what I like to alter...just about anything if the mood is right!!

  8. So fun! COngrats! I love the static pictures, so cute. I love to alter anything, especially something that is a left over or throw away item. And I must say your mom's quilting is beautiful. That is something that I do for a job, and something to keep and treasure!

  9. Congrats Grace! You are so talented. I love to alter those coasters from Chilis! lol

    Maddie is a doll!

  10. i don't have a particular favorite item to alter. BUT i've been playing with my Prima bottles and tins lately! heehee...

    and that quilt's lovely! congrats on the DT!

  11. ooops..I forgot to tell you what my fave item to alter is. I really love to alter just about anything, but altering raw wood shapes for my banners is usally what I have the most fun with.

  12. WOW what an amazing quilt...I love to alter anything, but the funnest thing I ever altered was a bingo marker!! Ahhhh, it was a joke, but it was so cute, it made me want to play bingo!!

  13. So awesome! Congratulations again...I was so happy when I saw your name and picture on their blog! :)

  14. im so jealous!!!
    great stuff you got., congrats on making the team.
    and wow, that quilt is amazing.

  15. I love to alter the little tin lunch boxes *which I'm currently out of* - great stash from GCD -- What do I need to do to get one of those boxes??LOL Great pics of the sweetness little lady on the trampoline too! What fun!

  16. that quilt is GORGEOUS!! I love it. and yay for the goodies.

  17. Hi, congrads on the box of goodies! LOVE YOUR QUILT! I wanna make one someday...and FINISH IT! lol...Congrads on the design team too. I luv bamboo tiles to alter. Maddie is such a doll too...I follow..ty for the chance, cher

  18. what a wonderful box you got--thanks for sharing the fun! The most recent thing I altered was a wooden cheese box and that was a lot of fun. I think I like boxes the best.

  19. Wow, the quilt is gorgeous. I can imagine the amount of work it took. And it's really generous of you to share your GCD goodie box! Am touched!

  20. Way to go on the DT! How sweet of you to share some of the fun!! Love your girlie's hair -- that is pretty funny! Your mom did a great job on the quilt!

  21. congratulations on your box of goddies!!! the quilt is amazing!!! my mom is into making quilts too...hmmm...wonder how i can talk her into making me one like this! LOL!

  22. What an awesome box of goodies. I'm not picky about what I alter. Whatever suits my mood at the moment.

  23. I am a total sucker for any kinds of clear altered album! Big congrats and can't wait to see all you fab projects!
