
Sunday, January 4, 2009

acting like tourists....

The day after New Year's Day we went to Downtown LA and toured Chinatown. None of us have been to that part of downtown so it was a great adventure. The kids were so intrigued by all the neat toys and knickknacks people were selling, I was very inspired by all the "red" I saw and neat inspirations and Mitch, well Mitch was a great sport for tagging along. *smile*

Here's some of the pictures we took....

One of my goals for this year was to be infront of the camera more often, to hand the camera to somebody else (that I trust with my nikon baby!) so I can get in the action. You can see a lot of that (of me) in this trip.

like I mentioned earlier, there were a lot of inspirations to be had at this place. Was very amazed at the beauty of all these umbrellas...

I'm not really sure what these were but was drawn to all the red and the heart holes. I can totally see me doing some type of altered item like this.

And of course I'm always inspired to get shots of my smiley babies behind great buildings.

the highlight of our trip was lunch here....

I heard about Philippe's from one of the girls at work. She was raving so much about it, I knew I just had to try it for myself. When we got there, the line was long so we walked out. But then Mitch probably saw the disappointment in my face so he suggested we brave the lines and try it. After all we went all the way over to LA to eat there. Woohoo!!!

It's a good thing that we turned around when we did cause after falling in line and getting our orders, we looked back and saw the line was double that when we started. Wow!

The kids was just the right height to see our sandwiches being made.

And here's what we had.....

Pork sub for me, Beef for Mitch and the kids shared a ham sub. Mitch had the chili, I had some potato salad and the kids loved the pickles. Plus Lemonade to drink. All unbelievably d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!!! Seriously good. I've had a French dip sandwich before where they give you the au jus sauce so you can dip the bread yourself but here they dip the French roll INTO the dip creating for a crusty bread on the outside and soft but not too soggy inside. MMMMM!

So the verdict for Philippe's...

a major thumbs up!

and finally a picture of some happy and full girls....

Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had a fun day. :o)

    I have a little treat for you here...
