
Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday grins and gripes

Hope all my sisters, aunts, cousins and "mother" friends had a great time yesterday. What you get? Well for me I can't really ask for anything till after my birthday this year (July). Don't know if you recall but last year I got my camera (dslr) for my birthday and it was actually a whole year's worth of gifts. hehehehehehe. I'm not complaining but I am looking forward to my next "big" gift. I have a list you know!!!

Ok so Mother's day was great here. Got to go to my Mom's house for lunch and Dinner at my mother-in-law's. Got a book written by Elder Packer from church and truffles from Mom Caryol.

Backing up a little....
Friday night Mitch went on an overnight scout trip so I stayed up a little later and made these for Maddie. I've actually made her a few already but since she didn't have all the colors of the rainbow in her collection I thought of adding to it. hehehehehe.

oh and here she is modeling it for me. She likes to match the bows/ribbons to whatever she's wearing that day. You can say she's been greatly influenced by her mom here. hehehehehehe.

Oh and on Saturday night, my family and I went together to the movies to watch Iron Man. Men that movie was sooo cool! I LOVED IT!

And of course couldn't pass this activity up without some pictures. My brothers were teasing me for bringing my camera to our local theater. Hey haven't they realized by now what kind of scrapping sister they have? LOL

Here's me with Alelli. My brother George's girlfriend.

Gary, Mom and a blurry Marcus. (George was taking these shots)

The princess of the show- Maddie.

And of course Mother's day won't be complete without flowers. Here's from all three of the kids that they made in their respective classes. The big pot from Marcus, the one in front from Amanda and Maddie's the purple one. Fun stuff. Now I can transfer them in my front flower bed.

So those are the good stuff. Now for the gripes.... it's Monday and I should start the week off on a good note right? Well there's certain things that are irritating the crap out of me today....

first off- Marcus is going to be in kindergarten in the fall and I'm trying to get him in a diff. school district than ours right now. I got in the school that I wanted and tried to apply for a permit from my district allowing him to enroll in that school. Now I was only given a two week window from my school of choice to get all the papers done before they give my spot to somebody else. As soon as I got the letter I went straight to my district's office and applied for the said permit. They told me it's going to take a week to get it reviewed. I go there friday and they said it hasn't been reviewed yet. I call today and guess what- they DENIED ME!!! Totally irritating. Not only did they deny me but they wasted a whole freaking week before they rejected my request for the permit. How stinking cruel is that!!! So I call the district that I wanted to get in and ask them if they can extend my window and thankfully they did but now I have to appeal my case again to my district which right now makes me really furious. I mean c'mon. Where's the "freedom" that I thought we had in this country. Clearly you cannot just take your kid to whatever school you want. Now why am I paying taxes again??? GRRRRRRR

And to make matters worst, here's an evidence that I'm going to loose my green beans soon. Another gofer dirt track by the beans. AAAAHHHH. I called Mitch this morning and told him that I've given up this year. I'm not going to bother planting anymore this season until we get that gofer issue resolved (meaning gofer killed!) There's just no point in me planting and taking care of the vegetable if it's not even going to come full term and bear fruit. I'm telling you I HATE GOFERS!!!

Ok so that's it for me right now. Gripe and all!!!

Hope you have a better day than I have,

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