
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super bowl sunday.......

Sunday plans were that we were to go to my brother in laws ward for his baby's blessing then off to his house to eat and watch the big game. Did all that except watch the game there. Mitch and I had to bring Maddie home early cause she wasn't feeling good. Our poor baby had been running a fever, throwing up and had a bad case of the cold. The other kids wanted to play with their cousins so Grandma and Grandpa took them home later that night.

So on with the game. We ended up watching it at the house. I'm used to munching while I'm glued to the tv but bec. I wasn't prepared for this I had to scramble in the kitchen to put together some snacks. What I came up was this.

I had leftover choco fudge so I cut up apples and used the fudge as dip then spread some cream cheese onto ritz crackers then sliced up some salami and topped that over on the cracker. Felt proud of my experiment and it turned out ok.

Finally some pictures of what our "quiet" sunday night looked like. TV on, a sick baby underneath a thick blanket with a "puke" bowl right close to her and Mommy sneaking in some pictures.

Have a great day,

update: it's wednesday today and Maddie IS getting better. Still have the runny nose but is playing like normal therefore the fighting and the bickering between her and Marcus is back again. Hay life!
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  1. she is still a cutie for someone who is sick!!

  2. What a doll - I hope she is feeling better.
