
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Mantra

In the January issue of Creating Keepsakes magazine (a famous scrapbook magazine) they had an article that struck me like a huge lightning bolt. It was all about mantras. In the article Mantra was defined as "your purpose statement- the underlying premise that drives you why you scrapbook". With that in mind I spent about a month searching deep within to find my "personal statement", the words that I will live by, a phrase that I would/should tell myself when things get too overwhelming or complicated.
And this is what I came up with........

I got this phrase while reading an article in a women's magazine. The article was talking about what women that have stayed at home with their kids for a long time should do when they finally go back to the work force. Of course I was all over that article since I'm now in that position. But when the author said that "you have to face the fact that you can't have them all and that remember that progress not perfection is what you need to strive for". After reading that phrase, I knew that's what I NEED to strive for.

So this year and hopefully the years to come, here's my personal statement not only about scrapbooking but in my life entirely. I made a simple framed art about it. I chose not to make it ornate cause it's the words that matter more, right?

Hope you guys take time today and think about your personal statement and if you're like me, make something crafty to remember it. :)

have a great day,
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