
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"You will forever be my always" layout

Scrap Much? challenge blog.had another great sketch challenge for this month. This one is a single page with three photos. 

On my take for the sketch, I only had two photos and used the third spot to house my 3x4 journaling block. These photos are just me and my hubby goofing around while resting during a family hike. I journaled about the things that I love most about hubby. One of them is of course, that he makes me laugh. He is so silly sometimes that my worries go away because he's that funny. 

I used my homemade kit to create this page. I love how all the colors match and there were plenty of embellishments to play with.

Thank you for stopping by.

Till next time,

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"Visit to the Air Force Academy" layout

Double page spreads are my favorites lately. They help me get some "activity" or event layouts done and having a sketch like the one from the Scrap Much? challenge blog just makes it every easier and more efficient. 

Since I had more photos and they were larger than that of the sketch, you couldn't really see the pattern papers in the background, but that's ok, I like the simple style of this page. What do you think?

I have some new double page spread process videos on my You Tube channel right now. If you wanna see them, just click on the link on the right side of this blog.

Thank you for stopping by.

Till next time,

"Sufficient " layout

One little word has been a great way to start off the year. I've been doing OLW for about four years now. If you haven't heard about it, Ali Edwards started it a few years back. The premise is that you pick one word that you would focus on for that year. It doesn't have to be related to any specific goal but you can make the word encompass all of your plans for the year. Last year I used the word LEARN. I wanted to embrace the idea of being the student, specifically with my crafting. I watched a lot of videos and free classes and really enjoyed gaining new knowledge about my favorite craft.

This year's OLW came through with a quote that I read in one of my classes at school. Oddly enough I got it from one of my readings for an Economics class. The quote is... "Whether true or not, the thought of not enough occurs to us automatically before we even think to question or examine it. . .What begins a simple expression of the hurried life, or even the challenged life, grows into the great justification for an unfulfilled life. It becomes the reasons we can’t have what we want or be who we want to be, why we can’t accomplish the goals we set for ourselves, why our dreams can’t come true, and the reason we give up on ourselves or write off other." So with OLW for this year is SUFFICIENT! My supplies are sufficient, my talent is sufficient, I am sufficient.

So to solidify my word, I created the following layout, which was also inspired by the latest challenge over at  Kraft+ challenge blog. The challenge was to use a kraft cardstock as a background and then use some handwriting. I used my handwriting for the journaling as well as the lines around my page and other elements. 

Thank you for stopping by.

Till next time,

Monday, January 25, 2016

"Working Together" layout

Two posts in one day? Yes, I'm in the "zone" lately and I can't wait to share them to you. This one is also from the Stuck sketches blog

I tilted the sketch to it's side to make my vertical photos line up in the sketch properly. I also moved the title underneath the photo line up instead of on the bottom. 

Still using my homemade kit for this month and I love how the arrows and white letters stand out against the woodgrain background.

The pink hearts stand out against all of the more neutral items but I think it works ok with this page since my daughter's shirt in one of the photo is pink.

Thank you for stopping by.

Till next time,

"Just Plain Fun" layout

Happy Monday friends. I'm starting off this week with some layouts inspired by some challenges going on this month. If you've been following me, you know that I get most of my mojo from challenges, especially sketches. This one is specifically from the Stuck Sketches blog

I used my homemade scrapbook kit for this month. If you wanna see the items that I placed in this kit, you can watch this video...

Here are some more close ups....

I moved the title to the top, just over the circle so I'll have more room.

Thank you for stopping by.

till next time,

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Pioneer Museum" layout *Stick it down challenge blog*

Hello dear friends. Today I'm sharing my first blog post as an official member of the Stick It down challenge team. I love their double page spread sketches and so when the opportunity came to me, I couldn't pass it up. 

Here's the sketch for this month....

and here's my take on it...

I love it when my themed papers can match some of my "event" pictures. These are photos from when I took my family to a local history museum.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you join us this month at Stick it down challenge blog.

Till next time,

Friday, January 15, 2016

We Are Lucky to Have you *Challenge entry*

Hello friends again. Today I'm sharing another layout from my baby album. One of my goals this year is to complete this book. I am noticing that I have a lot of unfinished projects so my plan is that 2016 will be the year that I can get them checked off. 

Anyways, this page is based off of this sketch from Let's Get Sketchy...

the sketch showed two small photos, well I didn't have two smaller photos but used a big collage instead. I still managed to add some of the layered papers on the sides of the collage. I also added the corner accent as shown in the sketch. 

This page was also inspired by the latest challenge prompt from The Paper Girls challenge blog which is home/family. The photos in this page shared little bits of our family's everyday moments with our new addition. The title also shows that we (our family) feel so lucky to have our baby in our lives.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope this page inspired you to create something today.

Till next time,

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Life in pictures *Challenge entry*

Hello friends. This is my first blog post for 2016 and I can't believe that time flies so fast. Plus, what better way to start off the year with another layout, which is what I love to do!

So for this page, it was inspired by the latest sketch from Sketch N Scrap blog. 

I tilted the sketch to it's side and instead of doing two photos, I had a collage of photos. I also moved the title. Initially I wanted the little block of "you are so handsome..." print to be the title but the die cut in dark cardstock "life in pictures" was super bold that it had to be the title. 

So there you have it. Thank you so much for stopping by.

Till next time,